
VIII Course-Festival

Former Cord

July 11 to 18, Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara)

The quartet Former Cord, formed over time by the performers Avelina Vidal Seara, Pilar Rius, Cláudio Tupinambá, Fernando López-Andújar, Jose Pablo Polo and Bertrand Chavarría Aldrete, was born from the confluence of different musical paths, united by a common interest in music. of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Experimentation, new creation and an interdisciplinary line of expression constitute the starting point of Former Cord which, as the deepest meaning of the term indicates, intended to approach with heart and reason an exciting repertoire full of nuances, betting on the dissemination of today's music repertoire.

In fact, it has been the only guitar quartet in Spain dedicated exclusively to contemporary music, with special attention to national creators. Composers such as Jesús Torres, Alicia Díaz de la Fuente, Olivia Carrión or Arturo Cardelús have dedicated their latest compositions to the quartet.

From its origins at the end of 2011 until its dissolution in 2019, it has participated in different festivals such as the 22nd Salamanca Spring Festival, the 52nd Cuenca Religious Music Week, the 5th Sigüenza Chamber Music Festival or the 2nd Festival La Music time.

The Festival, a pioneer in our country due to its pedagogical approach, is currently directed by Avelina Vidal and Pilar Rius and has the collaboration of the Musica Maestro Foundation and the sponsorship of Pedro de Miguel Guitars to carry out its activities.

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